Sunday 29 April 2012


001. I apologise for not posting much this week, i want to say that i've been super busy, but honestly, i don't really know what i've been busy with. I've been doing some research for my Final Major Project this week, not as much as i should've done. (I should be doing it now really, oops!) I haven't mentioned my FMP on my blog yet, but i am creating a garment in the theme of the most prolific female serial killer in history Countess Elizabeth Báthory and her torture methods. Yes, i realise it sounds dark and a bit 'gothy' but i was thinking i'd create more of a Lady Gaga style couture piece inspired by fetish and bondage wear. It will be a challenge, i usually create the more 'nicer' style garments but i think this could be interesting. 

002. Another thing i've been doing this week is redesigning my blog. I've wanted a new look for a while but i was quite attached to the one i had. I am pleased with how it looks now though, but i definitely need to post more. I've seen "week in photos" and "sunday portraits" on a few blogs, and i think it would be a good idea to motivate me to post more. I'm so lazy. But i did learn some more about photoshop, Dylan will be pleased!

003. I had a tour at Leeds College of Art this week, i just can't seem to make up my mind between there and Coventry. I applied to do a fashion course but it's just really stressing me out at the moment. Leeds is a beautiful place and the college looked alright but the facilities at Coventry were amazing, the course sounds really good too! So i'm in a bit of a pickle. I've spoken to people on the Leeds course and they aren't very keen but Leeds is higher on the leader boards. You see my struggle. So i went for a tour around to see Leeds again to help with my decision but it really just made it worse. I got some time to shop though which is always a good thing (apart from the torrential rain though!), i bought this Skeleton top i fell in love with once seeing it on LLYMLRS it's so purdy, swell as few other random articles of clothing. Best of all, i didn't pay for any of it, mother was there to save the day. 

004. Yesterday was Sarah's 19th party celebration, and the theme, LMFAO! So obviously we were all wearing animal print leggings, printed tops, brightly coloured glasses and trainers. I ordered all my things off Ebay really early on Monday morning with a guaranteed delivery to get here by the Thursday. My top came, but it wasn't the one i ordered and my leggings have still yet to arrive. I did have a lovely meal at Zest with Chelsea and Matthew, I've wanted to go there for so long. Wok Chicken is amazing. I basically had to buy my entire outfit yesterday in town, after having a bit of fun picking each other outfits in charity shops and choosing Sarah the most hideous presents in Poundland (A DVD called "Those Bedroom Eyes" - the tale of a killer prostitute, Charlies Angels CD and an "I love you" balloon!) Anyways, getting away from the point, Sarah's was good, I'm just shocked of how many people in town were dressed as LMFAO (not including us), they so copied! I shall post Photos soon!

005. Also, 30 Day Shred starts tomorrow!

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