Tuesday 1 May 2012


Well, i was going to do an outfit post today. But i seem to have kicked my camera off the table and smashed the screen. I really need to get to Comet to get it fixed, but i can't drive, don't have the paperwork and would really not like to ask my parents for any of the above. It's my third camera in a year, so i'm debating whether i should just buy a new one for about £87 rather than suffer the wrath of my mum and dad.

Anyway, to the point, i've just gotten a Pinterest account and i am actually obsessed. For those of you who don't know what Pinterest is, it's a virtual inboard where you can post and share all the lovely things you find on the internet keeping them organised in different categories! You can download the "Pin it" button to go on your bookmarks bar so, if you're like me and find an amazing pair of brown suede loafers with a leopard vamp toe, and you can't for the love of you remember where you saw them! You won't have that problem. It is an invite only website but if you send a request they should get back to you in a few days.

If i have convinced you, follow me

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