Sunday 14 October 2012


001. I've been in a crappy mood all week. Since my friends leaving i've just felt really lonely. I have quite a bit of work to do too which isn't making matters any better. 

002. After sulking all day thursday because Dylan said he couldn't come visit me until friday i was in an awful mood. He kept texting me about how he wasn't going to make the train in time anyway and how i shouldn't be mad at him. I was still grumpy. So i put The Ricky Gervais Show on and tried to have a nap. Dylan rang me when i was just falling asleep asking me what i was doing that night. I thought he was just trying to be nice but it was digging the knife in. I was just about to tell him to get off the phone as i wanted to sleep, until he told me he was outside my flat... Absolute chufties. Visited the museum (again), and ate at out favourite spot. A mini-cafe in the market. Super cheap. 

003. We went out on saturday night to Halo, well we tried to anyway. The queue was so big we were waiting for over an hour. So me and Dylan decided to just go to town instead. We went to Fab Cafe, i've been wanting to go there since i moved. It's so cool inside! It looks like an underground superhero lair. It's like a mini-museum full of memorabilia of comics and old sci-fi films. It was fun, though the drink prices were horrendous! £5.30 for a double vodka and coke. Christ. 

004. Topshop Trinity opened this past week, it is huge, like crazy big. Obviously not as big as Oxford street but the second biggest in the country! There is so many nice things in at the moment. I want everything! As part of their opening celebrations they were giving out gift cards arounds Leeds with £5-£500 on them, and you had to take them to the shop to see how much it was worth. Obviously i was going to get a £5 one. I went back again, and got £5. My lucky boyfriend however won £50! Not £500, but it's still great. He gave it to me, yay. I got a lovely cream floral embroidered blouse, a cat t-shirt, a collar necklace, a tote bag, a lipstick, lipstain and nail polish. A good day!

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