Sunday 10 June 2012


001. It has been a fairly relaxed week to be honest, it shouldn't have been as i have a hell of a lot of work to do to raise my grades. So the next week will be extremely busy! 

002. I have rekindled my love for charity shops again, after getting most of my clothes from them to barely even bothering to ratch through the rails. I bought a purdy old blue and brown bag = £1, a black vintage shirt with a white strange pattern on it = £3.50 and a brown fake snakeskin bag = £2.99 which i saw in a different shop a week earlier and was quite regretful that i didn't buy it. Total cost = £7.49! I love Charity Shopping, it's like a treasure hunt. 

003. Last night it was the private viewing of my exhibition from 6-8pm, it was good. My parents came too overdressed as i expected, my dad even wore a pink tie. It was good to see people looking at my piece and conversing about it. I felt a bit like i was wearing Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, listening to what people were saying about my work and them not knowing that i made it. My exhibition seemed to get the most attention from my room, but that was expected, i mean, i made a fetish outfit! And a few of my business cards went also which is good. 

004. After the viewing we all went back to Dylan's student house to get drunk, i really didn't feel it though, i had half a bottle of vodka and still felt completely sober! Even after playing Shot Roulette! You could tell i wasn't drunk enough by the fact i kept my heels on for less than an hour, and they were my comfy heels. I bet i looked good in my mum's Topshop Ballet Pumps! I was wearing my Vintage Paisley shirt though, i love that top. Town was good, though we only went to Concrete, until that DJ Target came on! Who even is that?! If you're going to play a song, play it, don't say "Target" literally every 30 seconds! We know your name, fuck off and leave. 

005. I should have really taken a photo of myself last night with nice make up and controlled hair, damn, so you'll just have to settle for a photo of the aftermath of a night out. With Dylan also. There's a kitten i really really want in the petshop in town, it honestly is the cutest little thing. It started climbing the bars of the cage for attention and it has the most amazing squeaky voice. It is a tiny black boy with blue eyes and i was so close to crying because i couldn't have it. And writing this is making me sad again. I hope it's there tomorrow.

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